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The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) is the national association of family doctors. AAFP is one of the largest national medical organizations with 136,700 physicians and student members dedicated to the personal patient-physician relationship focusing on integrated care.

Recruit High Quality Candidates

AAFP’s CareerLink is the premier resource for employers sourcing the highest quality family physicians. Connect with thousands of candidates quickly and efficiently with a variety of online and print recruitment opportunities. AAFP’s CareerLink has an extensive reach in the family medicine field to help you find top talent to join your team.

AAFP Recruitment Team: 727-497-6568,
To reach Customer Service: 727-497-6565,
Learn more about the various career resources this job board can offer through the AAFP CareerLink Media Kit. View it here.

Reaching nearly every active family physician in the U.S., nothing works harder to expand your recruitment efforts beyond active job seekers than the AAFP's American Family Physician and its sister journal FPM. AFP/FPM Rates AFP/FPM - CME Rates MORE INFO

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