Company Profile

Salt River Project

Company Overview

SRP is the oldest multipurpose federal reclamation project in the United States. We have been serving central Arizona since 1903, nearly 10 years before Arizona became the 48th state.

Today the SRP power district is one of the nation's largest public power utilities. We provide electricity to approximately 1 million retail customers in a 2,900-square-mile service area that spans three Arizona counties, including most of the metropolitan Phoenix area (known as the Valley). We are an integrated utility, providing generation, transmission and distribution services, as well as metering and billing services.

SRP's water business is one of the largest raw-water suppliers in Arizona. We deliver about 800,000 acre-feet of water annually to a 375-square-mile service area and manage a 13,000-square-mile watershed that includes an extensive system of reservoirs, wells, canals and irrigation laterals.

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