Company Profile

dQ&A - The Diabetes Research Company

Company Overview

dQ&A is a social enterprise that’s committed to making life better for people with diabetes. We harness patient voices to help develop better products, services, and policies, answer key business questions, and improve health outcomes for people with diabetes. For ten years, we have focused exclusively on understanding what life is like for those with diabetes. We are trusted by patients because of our independence and commitment to them. And we are endorsed by industry leaders because we deliver high quality answers quickly and efficiently, through the use of our proprietary community. Our team has decades of experience in quantitative and qualitative research and a deep knowledge of diabetes. Many of our lives have been touched by diabetes, so we have a personal stake in our work.

Company History

Our story
In 2009, Richard Wood, an experienced market research executive at Nielsen, and Kelly Close, a leading diabetes advocate, started work on a robust and honest feedback channel from people with diabetes to the companies that make diabetes drugs and medical devices. Richard and Kelly focused their efforts on building a large and diverse community of people with diabetes. Today, the dQ&A Patient Panel is an unmatched proprietary resource for our research, and dQ&A is a trusted and authentic voice in the diabetes community. Our research guides companies, informs regulators, and inspires innovators who are striving to make it easier for people to live and thrive with diabetes.

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