Company Profile

Bach Akademie Charlotte

Company Overview

A “Bach Akademie” is a German term, and indeed a tradition, for a collection of musical events and other activities focused on the study of Bach and his influence in both his time and ours. We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to experience the timeless insight into the shared human experience that Bach’s music offers, and our vision is to help build a world in which everyone has access to it.

Scott Allen Jarrett, one of the nation's foremost Bach teachers and interpreters, leads a professional chorus and orchestra that feature some of the finest Baroque and Historically-Informed Performance Practice musicians in the world.

Education is central to everything we do. We provide dedicated programs for trained classical singers and undergraduate vocal students, as well as opportunities for adults (and soon, youth), to learn more about how Bach's music works, and what continues to make it relevant today.

Company History

Please see our season history since our founding in 2017 on our web site at:

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