Company Profile

Company Overview

AFAM Capital, Inc. is a rapidly growing asset manager that specializes in the management of exchange-traded funds and equity portfolios. We currently advise upon more than $3.5 billion in assets.

Our Innealta division tactically shifts investments between equity and fixed income ETFs with a strong emphasis on risk (e.g. variance of returns, downside market protection).

Our Al Frank Asset Management division applies a disciplined ‘buy and harvest’ long-term equity strategy based on selection, diversification and patience that has been highly regarded for over 30 years.


Our mission is to create an investment management company comprised of people committed to providing the highest quality wealth management solutions and service in the industry, while producing superior risk-adjusted returns for all clients.

Our vision is to be the top asset management boutique providing specialty investment solutions to financial advisors and private clients.

AFAM Capital, Inc. is a Registered Investment Advisor. Al Frank Asset Management and Innealta Capital are divisions of AFAM Capital. AFAM is editor of The Prudent Speculator newsletter and is the investment advisor to individually managed client accounts and certain no-load mutual funds. AFAM only transacts business in states where it is properly registered or exempted from registration.

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