Company Profile

Company Overview

Perception Research Services (PRS), founded in 1972, is a global leader in packaging and shopper research. At PRS, our mission is to apply consumer research expertise, technological innovation and analytical insight to help our clients “win at retail” in the global marketplace. PRS is headquartered just outside New York City, and has international operations in London, Geneva, Rome, Mexico City, Singapore and Shanghai.

IN VIVO BVA, founded in 1989, is one of Europe's leading tailor-made consumer goods research companies. In VIVO BVA boasts unrivalled expertise in consumer goods research and marketing thanks to precise and unique methodologies that provide results capable of predicting the future behavior of consumers and shoppers. IN VIVO BVA has established a global presence through its network of subsidiaries in Europe, China and the United States and through its partners in other large countries.

Effective from Jan 2016, PRS and IN VIVO BVA are merged into PRS IN VIVO. This merger unites the world’s two leading research agencies focused on packaging, shopper marketing and new product innovation. With our consolidated suite of capabilities, PRS IN VIVO will help FMCG marketers succeed at both the “1st moment of truth” (purchase) and the “2nd moment of truth” (product usage experience).

Company History

Company Culture:
Our goal at PRS IN VIVO is to foster a learning environment. We have an open door policy and encourage all of our new employees to “pick the brains” of our senior staff. We seek independent thinkers who will apply their critical reasoning skills to provide our clients with the best solutions to their business questions. We encourage our staff to challenge the status quo to improve internal processes and propose new solutions for the benefit of PRS In VIVO and our clients. We provide hands-on training for all new employees.

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