Company Profile

Company Overview

Anima-Glen Ellyn Children’s Chorus is an internationally renowned children’s chorus founded in 1964 and a leader in youth choruses in North America. In 2008, the chorus began to use the name Anima—the Latin word for breath, life, soul, and spirit—reflecting the impact of choral music on its singers and audiences. The chorus grew to international prominence under the musical development of Dr. Doreen Rao. Anima is acknowledged as a pioneer in its field, creating innovative concerts, commissioning new repertoire from major composers, and demonstrating that young people are capable of extraordinary accomplishments when given extraordinary leadership and vision.

The children in Anima experience self-growth through the joys of singing, teamwork, musical understanding self-discipline, and artistic expression. Anima offers graduated levels of musical challenge appropriate to the maturity and experience level of its 150 singers ranging in age from 5 to 18, through its core ensembles that include Kid Singers, Treble Chorus, Concert Chorus and Touring Chorus. In addition, Anima provides music education for more than 700 area students through community programs, particularly for underserved areas, as well as summer programs and other short-term fee based programs. Anima is committed to excellence in its artistry, education, and administration.

Anima has received numerous accolades and awards for performance excellence under the direction of Emily Ellsworth. Anima won the once-in-an organizational lifetime Margaret Hillis award for Artistic Excellent from Chorus America, the Dale Warland Singers Commission award jointly given by Chorus America and the American Composers Forum, and the ASCAP award for adventurous programming. Anima has appeared by invitation for national and regional conferences of American Choral Directors Association, travelled to six continents, and produced seven CD recordings. The chorus has performed regularly with all of Chicago’s major musical organizations including the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Lyric Opera of Chicago, and the Grant Park Music Festival at Millennium Park.

For more information about Anima please visit the website at

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